Trash 4 Help

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  1. Three-Card Poker (or 3-card poker) is one of the most popular card-table games spread in casinos throughout the world. It’s a great casino-table game for beginners because it’s fairly similar to regular poker, with familiar hand rankings like pairs, flushes, and straights. PokerNews is the world’s leading poker website. Among other things, visitors will find a daily dose of articles with the latest poker news, live reporting from tournaments, exclusive videos, podcasts, reviews and bonuses and so much more. The best thing about playing Three Card Poker? The chance to win a $100,000 through the six card bonus paytable, which hits if the dealer’s and player’s cards combine nine through Ace in a royal suit of diamonds.  In Three Card Poker, Players go heads-up against the dealer in this casino-based game. Fun, fast paced and easy to learn, Three Card Poker on the Strip is one of the most popular poker based games in any of the many great Vegas casinos. The goal is to make a better poker hand than the dealer’s using only three cards.The player only makes one decision, bet or fold. When he bets, the best three card hand wins. It’s that easy. Numerous side bets allowing players to win against the dealer and against a paytable add an element of risk to the game for players who like to gamble.
    A poker dealer’s final and equally important role in dealing poker cards in Texas Hold’em is awarding the pot after the showdown. The dealer has to determine the highest poker hand when more than one player is in the game leading to the showdown. Hi, I am the Chief Editor of, this site is dedicated to all thing poker. I have been working around the poker industry for the last 15 years, with different brands. The main purpose of this site is to keep you uptodate with the industry and offer you the best deals around. In poker, the dealer button is used to denote the player who is currently considered a dealer or, if we’re talking about casino games, the player who acts the last on that deal. The most important rule of dealing is to never expose cards that shouldn’t be exposed. This means holding dealing cards low to the table, so other players can’t peek, and this also means holding the deck so the bottom card isn’t visible. If you really want to keep that bottom card hidden, you can get a cut card: a plastic cover held under the deck to keep that card covered. Professional casino dealers use these for exactly that reason.